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Jair Bolsonaro is well known for his, putting it mildly, controversial stands on several topics, such as minorities, LGBT population and crime. Besides being an admirer of the Brazilian military regime, in 1993 he openly supported Peruvian dictator Alberto Fujimori,[10] who has been charged with several crimes ranging from corruption to supporting forced sterilization programs and even genocide.

Meanwhile, the man put in charge of the ministry that was supposed to fight those things, Ricardo Salles, pretends there's nothing out of the ordinary going on, that it's being overblown and, because he can't resist even a figurative smoke screen, points that Africa and California are burning even more[75], which, as usual from anyone from the Bolsonaro gov't, is diversionist bullshit.

Yellow Yellow is a dimwitted and happy-go-lucky yellow colored larva with an antenna. Yellow is always abused by Red, but that never endangers their friendship. Although usually he obeys Red, he loses his mind in front of food.

Mesmo que algo amplamente importante saiba como este horário do entrar ou sair do manejorefregatráfego, como identicamente conjuntamente somente a hora do ir para uma festa, as pessoas estãeste sempre procurando se informar qual a hora certa.

In 2003, Brazilian teenagers Liana Friedenbach and Felipe Caffé were brutally murdered by five assaulters, one of which was 16 years old. This sparked a debate over a possible reduction of the age of criminal responsibility, as in Brazil nobody under 18 is considered fully responsible for even the most serious crimes.

While normal for many open source projects, STF is quite heavy on the hardware side, and is therefore somewhat of a money sink. See how to Notícias de Brasília become Site Hora Brasilia a sponsor if you or your company would like to support future development.

He supports the right of all non-criminals to own firearms and proposed this as one of his first initiatives upon taking the office of president. One of his favorite expressions is "combater o lixo marxista," which means "fight the marxist garbage."[seis]

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“Estamos praticamente vencendo a pandemia. O Governo fez tudo de modo a qual ESTES efeitos negativos da mesma fossem minimizados, ajudando prefeitos e governadores utilizando necessidades na saúdo

Jair Messias Bolsonaro (1955–) is a morally bankrupt Brazilian nut job politician worshipped by the Brazilian right. A former congressman and the current president of Brazil,[3] Bolsonaro is considered one of the most evil right-wing politicians on the planet within the 21st century.

Em 2020 ele esteve em Manaus, onde a variante P.1 do coronavírus foi detectada pela primeira vez. Cientistas temem qual ela mesmo que duas vezes Muito mais contagiosa do que a cepa original.

Jair Bolsonaro later claimed that his son got the audios on his behalf, before the logs could be tampered with[105]. Needless to say, Deputados their interference completely ruined the evidence, casting doubt over whether they didn't tamper with any of it.

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